H.I.I.T. Lower Body & Abs


H.I.I.T. Lower Body & Abs

Sale Price:$11.11 Original Price:$33.00
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Description:  This “Booty and Abs Program” is a high intensity program designed to drop total body fat, tone your midsection, but mainly build and tone those glutes and legs that you’ve been working so hard on. When this program is coupled with your current workout routine, maximum results will be seen. It’s quite typical to be sore in the first few days, even up to the first week. BUT REMEMBER!!!!!!.....stay active, the more you stay moving, the less sore you will be over time. Drink plenty of water daily to also keep the soreness at a minimum.

Let’s get those Glutes Growing and Abs Popping!!!!!!

Note: Please modify all exercises to match your fitness level (add or reduce weight - perform the exercise within an appropriate range of motion to your flexibility level). Maximum results will be seen when maximal efforts are applied! Make sure you are keeping up with a regular stretching routine as you will become tight from the added activity and weight.