Even if you are extremely set on reaching a certain goal, staying motivated long term can be the toughest part. So how can you stay motivated when it feels like life is pulling you at all ends at one time?

I've have had the opportunity to observe and closely work along side some of the most successful people in all different industries. All of whom possess certain characteristic traits that allow them to not only be successful, but continue to stay motivated especially when certain tasks may take months or even years to accomplish. These characteristics are the fundamental traits that all highly-successful individuals possess. 

1. First you need to set a specific goal, then you need to visualize the exact steps it will take to get to the goal. Without visualizing the exact steps, you won't know the timeline or exactly what is required of you to complete the task. 

2. Break the big goal down into smaller goals that you plan to reach each week or each month. Now that you know your specific goal, the exact steps and the timeline; it will make it much easier to break your big dreams down into smaller, more manageable tasks that you aim to accomplish daily, weekly and monthly. 

3. Have a game plan. Map out a detailed timeline of when you should have certain tasks completed and which tasks need to be done first. Schedule time into you day, week and month for specific tasks you will accomplish. Don't get side-tracked with other things during the time you have scheduled to accomplish each task. 

4. Find a way to stay accountable. Get help if you need it. Recruit the help of family and friends to help keep you accountable is very important. Finding the right group who will check in on you, encourage you and even participate in your journey will keep your motivation levels high and may even allow you to strive for better results since you have a group of people pushing you along the way. 

5. Mentally prepare yourself for bumps in the road, but don't get discouraged.....nothing will ever run perfectly the way you envision it. 

6. Always remember your "WHY". Why do you want to achieve this specific goal? Keep in mind what inspired you in the first place and use that to motivate you to achieve excellence. 

7. Continuously check in on your progress and remind yourself of your "WHY".